Run Commands for Windows 7

අපි කාටත් පරිඝණකය එක්ක වැඩ කරද්දි ගොඩක් වැදගත් වෙ දෙයක් තමයි Run Commands කියන්නේ අපිට කරගන්න ගොඩක් අපහසු කාර්‍යයන් ඉතාමත් පහසුවෙන් මෙම Run Commands මගින් කරගන්න පුළුවන්.
රන් පෑඩ් එක ඕපන් කරගන්න -Windows logo key + R කී දෙක එකවර තද කරන්න.

Administrative Tools
  1. Administrative Tools = control admintools
  2. Authorization Manager = azman.msc
  3. Component Services = dcomcnfg
  4. Certificate Manager = certmgr.msc
  5. Direct X Troubleshooter = dxdiag
  6. Display Languages = lpksetup
  7. ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32
  8. File Signature Verification Tool = sigverif
  9. Group Policy Editor = gpedit.msc
  10. Add Hardware Wizard = hdwwiz.cpl
  11. iSCSI Initiator = iscsicpl
  12. Iexpress Wizard = iexpress
  13. Local Security Settings = secpol.msc
  14. Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool = msdt
  15. Microsoft Management Console = mmc
  16. Print management = printmanagement.msc
  17. Printer User Interface = printui
  18. Problems Steps Recorder = psr
  19. People Near Me = p2phost
  20. Registry Editor = regedit or regedt32
  21. Resoure Monitor = resmon
  22. System Configuration Utility = msconfig
  23. Resultant Set of Policy = rsop.msc
  24. SQL Server Client Configuration = cliconfg
  25. Task Manager = taskmgr
  26. Trusted Platform Module = tpm.msc
  27. TPM Security Hardware = TpmInit
  28. Windows Remote Assistance = msra
  29. Windows Share Folder Creation Wizard = shrpubw
  30. Windows Standalong Update Manager = wusa
  31. Windows System Security Tool = syskey
  32. Windows Script Host Settings = wscript
  33. Windows Version = winver
  34. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security = wf.msc
  35. Windows Memory Diagnostic = MdSched
  36. Windows Malicious Removal Tool = mrt
  37. Computer Management
  38. Computer Management = compmgmt.msc or CompMgmtLauncher
  39. Task Scheduler = control schedtasks
  40. Event Viewer = eventvwr.msc
  41. Shared Folders/MMC = fsmgmt.msc
  42. Local Users and Groups = lusrmgr.msc
  43. Performance Monitor = perfmon.msc
  44. Device Manager = devmgmt.msc
  45. Disk Management = diskmgmt.msc
  46. Services = services.msc
  47. Windows Management Infrastructure = wmimgmt.msc

Conrtol Panel
  1. Control Panel = control
  2. Action Center= wscui.cpl
  3. Autoplay = control.exe /name Microsoft.autoplay
  4. Backup and Restore = sdclt
  5. Create a System Repair disc = recdisc
  6. BDE Administrator = bdeadmin.cpl
  7. Color Management = colorcpl
  8. Credential Manager = control.exe /name Microsoft.CredentialManager
  9. Credential Manager Stored User Names and Passwords = credwiz
  10. Date and Time Properties = timedate.cpl
  11. Default Programs = control.exe /name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms
  12. Set Program Access and Computer Defaults = control appwiz.cpl,,3 or ComputerDefaults
  13. Devices and Printers = control printers
  14. Devices and Printers Add a Device = DevicePairingWizard
  15. Display = dpiscaling
  16. Screen Resolution = desk.cpl
  17. Display Color Calibration = dccw
  18. Cleartype Text Tuner = cttune
  19. Folders Options = control folders
  20. Fonts = control fonts
  21. Getting Started = GettingStarted
  22. HomeGroup = control.exe /name Microsoft.HomeGroup
  23. Indexing Options = control.exe /name Microsoft.IndexingOptions
  24. Internet Properties = inetcpl.cpl
  25. Keyboard = control keyboard
  26. Location and Other Sensors = control.exe /name Microsoft.LocationandOtherSensors
  27. Location Notifications = LocationNotifications
  28. Mouse = control mouse or main.cpl
  29. Network and Sharing Center = control.exe /name Microsoft.NetworkandSharingCenter
  30. Network Connections = control netconnections or ncpa.cpl
  31. Notification Area Icons = control.exe /name Microsoft.NotificationAreaIcons
  32. Parental Controls = control.exe /name Microsoft.ParentalControls
  33. Performance Information = control.exe /name Microsoft.PerformanceInformationandTools
  34. Personalization = control desktop
  35. Windows Color and Appearance = control color
  36. Phone and Modem Options = telephon.cpl
  37. Power Configuration = powercfg.cpl
  38. Programs and Features = appwiz.cpl or control appwiz.cpl
  39. Optional Features Manager = optionalfeatures or control appwiz.cpl,,2
  40. Recovery = control.exe /name Microsoft.Recovery
  41. Regional and Language = intl.cpl
  42. RemoteApp = control.exe /name Microsoft.RemoteAppandDesktopConnections
  43. Sound = mmsys.cpl
  44. Volume Mixer = sndvol
  45. System Properties = sysdm.cpl or Windows logo key + Pause/Break
  46. SP ComputerName Tab = SystemPropertiesComputerName
  47. SP Hardware Tab = SystemPropertiesHardware
  48. SP Advanced Tab = SystemPropertiesAdvanced
  49. SP Performance = SystemPropertiesPerformance
  50. SP Data Execution Prevention = SystemPropertiesDataExecutionPrevention
  51. SP Protection Tab = SystemPropertiesProtection
  52. SP Remote Tab = SystemPropertiesRemote
  53. Windows Activation = slui
  54. Windows Activation Phone Numbers = slui 4
  55. Taskbar and Start Menu = control.exe /name Microsoft.TaskbarandStartMenu
  56. Troubleshooting = control.exe /name Microsoft.Troubleshooting
  57. User Accounts = control.exe /name Microsoft.UserAccounts
  58. User Account Control Settings = UserAccountControlSettings
  59. User Accounts Windows 2000/domain version = netplwiz or control userpasswords2
  60. Encryption File System = rekeywiz
  61. Windows Anytime Upgrade = WindowsAnytimeUpgradeui
  62. Windows Anytime Upgrade Results = WindowsAnytimeUpgradeResults
  63. Windows CardSpace = control.exe /name Microsoft.cardspace
  64. Windows Firewall = firewall.cpl
  65. WindowsSideshow = control.exe /name Microsoft.WindowsSideshow
  66. Windows Update App Manager = wuapp

  1. Calculator = calc
  2. Command Prompt = cmd
  3. Connect to a Network Projector = NetProj
  4. Presentation Settings = PresentationSettings
  5. Connect to a Projector = displayswitch or Windows logo key + P
  6. Notepad = notepad
  7. Microsoft Paint = mspaint.exe
  8. Remote Desktop Connection = mstsc
  9. Run = Windows logo key + R
  10. Snipping Tool = snippingtool
  11. Sound Recorder = soundrecorder
  12. Sticky Note = StikyNot
  13. Sync Center = mobsync
  14. Windows Mobility Center (Only on Laptops) = mblctr or Windows logo key + X
  15. Windows Explorer = explorer or Windows logo key + E
  16. Wordpad = write
  17. Ease of Access Center = utilman or Windows logo key + U
  18. Magnifier = magnify
  19. Narrator = Narrator
  20. On Screen Keyboard = osk
  21. Private Character Editor = eudcedit
  22. Character Map = charmap
  23. Ditilizer Calibration Tool = tabcal
  24. Disk Cleanup Utility = cleanmgr
  25. Defragment User Interface = dfrgui
  26. Internet Explorer = iexplore
  27. Rating System = ticrf
  28. Internet Explorer (No Add-ons) = iexplore -extoff
  29. Internet Explorer (No Home) = iexplore about:blank
  30. Phone Dialer = dialer
  31. Printer Migration = PrintBrmUi
  32. System Information = msinfo32
  33. System Restore = rstrui
  34. Windows Easy Transfer = migwiz
  35. Windows Media Player = wmplayer
  36. Windows Media Player DVD Player = dvdplay
  37. Windows Fax and Scan Cover Page Editor = fxscover
  38. Windows Fax and Scan = wfs
  39. Windows Image Acquisition = wiaacmgr
  40. Windows PowerShell ISE = powershell_ise
  41. Windows PowerShell = powershell
  42. XPS Viewer = xpsrchvw
  43. Open Documents folder = documents
  44. Open Pictures folder = pictures
  45. Open Music folder = music
  46. Open Videos folder = videos
  47. Open Downloads folder = downloads
  48. Open Favorites folder = favorites
  49. Open Recent folder = recent
  50. Logs out of Windows = logoff
  51. Locks User Account = Windows logo Key + L
Mahesh Heshan

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